There are people less qualified than you doing the things you want to do and acquiring the things you want to have simply because their desire to do so is stronger than yours.

That’s it.

Their desire is stronger than yours.

If you feel stuck, bored, insignificant, trapped in your good life, completely devoid of passion, numb, spinning, swirling, unsure of yourself and desperate for something different, your desire simply isn’t strong enough.

Or it could be that you forgot what you desire.

You are completely unaware of and out of touch with what sets your soul on fire.

Maybe you forgot it because you’ve always done what was expected of you.

Maybe you let it go because it was easier to just go with the norm.

Maybe it is buried under your duties and responsibilities.

Either way, we’re going to change that.

Now, you may be thinking, I don’t have a desire. 

And even if I did, it’s too late for me to pursue it. I don’t have enough energy. I don’t have any ideas. I don’t have time. And I certainly don’t have the money.

Well, those are simply excuses. 

If you truly want to live a life of peace, freedom, health, wealth and happiness, you owe it to yourself to remember your desire and give it a go.

Your desire is waiting.